In this competitive environment for farmland, property owners with tillable land may have multiple offers. Factors to consider when evaluating offers to rent your land:
Continuing education: Science and technology are constantly advancing farming practices. Each year I attend numerous agricultural education programs.
Good equipment: The majority of my equipment is John Deere and less than 8 years old. This means fewer emissions and less soil compaction.
Licenses: I hold a State of Michigan applicator license for spraying crops (25+ years)
Best Farming Practices: I soil test every year and use this information for seed selection, fertilizer choice and micro-nutrient application which protects your soil's fertility.
Communication: Each month during the summer, I post updates regarding the crops and I try to return any inquiries from my landlords within 24 hours
Good Neighbor Relations: I am respectful of property lines, landscaping and time of day for operating equipment as well as respecting landowners' access
Competitive Terms: My lease is one page, written in plain English and clearly outlines the length of the lease, the rental fee per acre and an agreed upon payment date. For long-term lease agreements, we can discuss if it would be advantageous to tile your property at my expense.
If you have 20 or more acres of tillable land that you are interested in renting,are interested in learning more about my farming practices or would like to talk to references, please call me at 517.202.1931 or email